Just figuring things out over here…
I thought of working on a series of postcards to send to friends—a bit of humour for my fellow parents. We used to use "it's complicated" as our relationship status on Facebook in 2005 and here we are two decades later.
This was inspired by a hilarious essay called “Regrets For My Old Dressing Gown, Or A Warning To Those Who Have More Taste Than Fortune” written by Denis Diderot in 1769.
I had to draw my own human figure for this collage because I couldn’t find a suitable photo that matched the image I had in my mind. I’m pretty happy with the result. This one is to illustrate a little journal post about some thoughts I’ve been having on meritocracy. Coming up soon.
They Call Me Ninu ©️ 2024
Self-employed life, week three. Diving feels risky and scary but then again, I’m loving the freedom and I’m starting to feel excited about the possibilities. The strategy at this early stage is looking ahead one maybe two moves only. The top priority is piggybacking on Joy and not letting go because if I get it right, I might find a way to make this ride a pleasurable one.
Reading the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron I learnt about the importance of protecting the artist child within us. So I’m doing that, making time to create and play.
They Call Me Ninu ©️ 2024
They Call Me Ninu ©️ 2024
It’s a miracle, the fish is shining out of the pond.
They Call Me Ninu ©️ 2024
Just what you need, only a few dollars and 99 cents. Everything can be monetised these days. But should it?
They Call Me Ninu ©️ 2024
Living a life that suits me and feels mine. Imagine taking off a very tight full-length bodysuit, maybe a couple of sizes smaller, that you have been wearing every day for all of your life. Like muscle memory, I can still feel the pressure but I can breathe more freely now.
Book recommendation: Care of the Soul, A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life by Thomas Moore (nonfiction). I’m a few pages away from finishing this book and it’s just what I needed to read right now. Wholesome.
Leaving social media
They Call Me Ninu ©️ 2024
I finally did it, I left social media. I deleted my Twitter account, I said goodbye to Instagram and deleted most of my posts on Facebook. I won’t delete my Instagram and Facebook accounts just yet because I might need them to promote my creative workshops, but they will stay idle. I’m making the move into the real world. I’ll be connecting with real humans in real life. I don’t need to stay hyperconnected, be on top of any trend, or know absolutely everything that’s happening in the world 24/7. I’m moving into what feels like a healthy way of living to me. I’m reducing the noise and keeping things to an acceptable/comprehensible scale.
This is the space where I will share my work from now on. Anyone curious enough to see what my latest creative activity has been, this is where you’ll find me. I’m planning to share other things here too. Like things that I learnt, thoughts, books or movies that I enjoyed, etc. This will be my creative corner. For all things living simply and doing anything we can to look after Papatuanuku you can head to my Simple Living journal.
Today’s recommendation: this Domestika online course on mixed-media collage. I just finished it and the collage you see above is the result of having completed the course. I learnt a bunch of excellent new tricks! You might find it a bit tricky if you’re not familiar with Photoshop but might be a good opportunity to sharpen your Photoshop skills.